Surgical Theatre: Cheltenham Veterinary Clinic has a dedicated surgical suite. We utilise the latest equipment and surgical advancements to provide the best surgical treatment for your pet. We perform routine to advanced surgeries including; desexings, lump removals, cancer surgery, gastro-intestinal surgery (e.g. intestinal foreign body removals), urinary tract surgery (e.g. bladder stone removals), other various soft tissue procedures and orthopaedic procedures (e.g. patella luxation, cruciate ligament rupture, bone fractures and femoral head and neck excision).
Dental Procedures: These are some of the most common procedures we perform at Cheltenham Veterinary Clinic. Our veterinarians use a specialised dental machine that has an ultrasonic scaler to remove tartar, followed by a polisher to clean your pet’s teeth. Once clean, each tooth is assessed and you will be advised if any require repair or removal. This procedure is much the same as what you would experience when you visit your dentist for a scale and clean, the main difference being that your pet will require a general anaesthetic.

General Anaesthetic and Risk Management: With all surgical procedures the patient should be fasted prior to presentation at the clinic in the morning.
This means:
No food after midnight
There is no need to restrict water
This helps to empty your pet’s stomach of food and avoid problems during recovery that can result from vomiting. Preparation for your pet’s procedure begins before you enter our doors. Our dedicated surgical team has the day planned and a warm bed ready. Every patient is assessed in the morning when they first arrive to ensure they are suitable for surgery.
For certain patients and procedures we recommend:
A pre-anaesthetic blood test prior to the general anaesthetic. This test checks the patients’ organs to make sure they are functioning properly and can deal with the anaesthetic and other drugs that may be required. It also tests for an adequate red blood cell number to ensure there are enough to carry oxygen around the body during the procedure.
Intravenous fluids (a drip) to assist in maintaining blood pressure, hydration, electrolytes, and to provide immediate intravenous access for the delivery of life saving drugs in the case of an emergency.
Cheltenham Veterinary Clinic uses the latest anaesthetic and monitoring equipment to help ensure your pet’s anaesthetic runs smoothly and without complication. We also have dedicated veterinary nurse monitoring of all patients requiring an anaesthetic.
After a procedure your pet will be allowed to recover in peace and warmth until they are ready to be discharged into your care later that day. In some instances your pet may require hospitalisation for longer periods.